Financial Freedom and Independence Taking Root in Costa Rica
An uplifting update from our team in Costa Rica:
· We had a group of 7 students who have been receiving the Finance Course over the last 22 weeks. It’s been an amazing experience to empower these women towards thinking about what dignified work is and encouraging them to dream of a life with purpose. We finished the course with long discussions and practicing budgeting and saving for personal and business. (10/24 UPDATE: We celebrated the graduation of 5 women from the FTG finance and bra sales course with bingo, pizza, graduation gifts, and lots of hugs and pictures!!
· “Mary” graduates from the program in December. After selling bras, she wants to open her own sewing business. We’re working with her on creating a business plan to implore her to start thinking about her future business. We are also pursuing other options for entrepreneurship, finance, and business administration courses for her in the new year. Currently she is in the advanced sewing class honing her craft.
· The Women’s Health course finished a few weeks ago (40 participants total). It was a success! Most of the women we serve have never had any formal sex education. They learned about physical anatomy, menstruation, and sexual health from a professional. We want to empower women with information about their own bodies so they can make decisions for their own bodies. We’ll be giving the health course throughout 2025 to continue this empowerment.
· The bras continue to be the hook these women use to start their journey towards financial freedom and independence. This quick, practical, no training needed micro-entrepreneurship provides the women with an immediate source of income that preserves their dignity. Once their immediate financial necessities are fulfilled, they can think about their future. We’re working with a few women who want and need further education and courses so they can apply for jobs that require certificates or training.
· We previously mentioned we were working with one woman whose three year old son has very ill and needed a private healthcare pediatrician to do a thorough workup as to why he’s had seizures and spells of unconsciousness. Due to a generous FTG donor, we were able to connect with the best private hospital in San José, and last week she went to a consultation for her son! She messaged us and said,
“Thank you so, so much. The truth is that my child is a part of me as a mother. And that you would be worried for him and help him is so important to me and it fills my heart. Thank you so much.”